Friday, October 13, 2017

Want Video of your automated tests? Use AutomateIt! Test Automation Framework

Video capture of automated tests in the test result report is an important part of the information needed when your automated tests fail.

If you are using the AutomateIt! Test Automation Framework to run your tests, then all you will need to do is add a few Listeners to the TestNG task listeners attribute, and the framework will take care of everything without you needing to write a single line of code.

Here is what you need to do:

In the example "build.xml" file provided in the download example, look at this line:

<testng outputdir="results/" groups="ios" useDefaultListeners="false" listeners="org.uncommons.reportng.HTMLReporter,org.uncommons.reportng.JUnitXMLReporter,org.automateit.testng.SeleniumCommandCaptureListener,org.automateit.testng.GenericScreenCaptureListener,org.automateit.testng.MobileScreenCaptureListener,org.automateit.testng.MOVVideoCaptureListener,org.automateit.testng.AVIVideoCaptureListener">

So you just need to add use these two listeners to your existing "listeners" attribute values:

  1. org.automateit.testng.MOVVideoCaptureListener
  2. org.automateit.testng.AVIVideoCaptureListener

That's it! :)

You dont need to write any code. The framework will record the example and provide the recordings in the test result report.

See these screenshots - they will show you where they will appear in the report:

The all you need to do is click on the link to view.

Here are some of the real examples after running the tests:

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